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 Judging Contest 
Bring your team or attend as an individual to compete.
Blackhawk East will be assisting with the competition.

1 - Jr. Novice Judging Division (8th Grade and lower)
2 - Sr. Novice Judging Division (Freshman through Senior in High School)
3 - Jr. College Freshman Judging Division (College Freshmen)
4 - Jr. College Sophomore Judging Division (College Sophomore)
5 - Sr. College Judging Division (College Upperclassmen)

$35 per person to enter

The deadline to enter is September 19, 2024.

  Register Here  if you are also entering cattle to show 

Register Here  if you are just attending WBE for the Judging Contest or scan the QR code.

Parking is $10 per vehicle. Pizza and drinks provided for lunch. Awards presented at conclusion.

Contact us at [email protected] or call 920-479-0658 with questions